Marketer's have long known the value of the customer testimonial and have done commercials and info-mercials based on that premise. Like for instance, Ronco's big-selling, but short lived, spray-on hair. (Click below.)
Now, let's face it, social media is basically cutomer testimonials on steriods. If people like you or your product or service, they will forward that 'thumbs up" to friends. The difference between social media and an infomercial is that in social media, REAL people are using the product (not paid actors) and everyone knows it. So for social media to work, your product or service has to actually deliver what is promised (and work in real-world situations). If it doesn't, REAL people will dump on it and your offering will be DOA. You won't even enjoy a short-lived success of the spray-on hair variety!
With these thoughts in mind, how can you utilise social media to help you achieve your career goals?
Posted by: Mobile Phone App | 03/26/2012 at 02:32 AM
Why do you bother writing these? No one ever comments.
Posted by: Name Withheld | 01/19/2012 at 03:41 PM