This is the perfect definition of a viral video. So funny. So spot on, that people play it over and over again and send it to friends. What is it selling? NOTHING. Advertising clients often ask agencies to "Make a Viral Video" then force them to cram all kinds of sales points into it. And god forbid anything in the video make the client or product look the least bit goofy, or in any way be "edgy." As never goes viral.
But that's not what I really wanted to talk about today, which is: casting! Take a look at this talking dog video. The voice used for this dog is perfect. It fits the character of his actions and the dialog. So many clients want a "funny" radio spot but want to cast "straight-up" announcer boring voices. Or vise-versa, they will only buy a straight script but then want to put a "funny" voice in it "to make the spot funnier." Neither works. A spot needs the proper synergy of character, delivery and dialog. Screw up any of these and a potential customer's BS meter goes off and you've lost them (ie you've thrown your money away).
I know, I know, it's Friday and I promised you "funny" in the title. So enough pontificating. Here's the video. Enjoy!
Letterman's been randomly breaking in with the dog lines ("...yeah, yeah, covered with what?") the last two nights throughout his show.
Posted by: steeb | 05/13/2011 at 10:19 AM
Posted by: Name Withheld | 05/09/2011 at 01:18 PM
I could watch it a million times and still be laughing my behind off!
Posted by: Russ Tate | 05/06/2011 at 05:06 PM