Yesterday the Detroit Area was hit with some serious snow and severe cold (3-degrees overnight). Today, many of the roads are still generously glazed with a shimmery coating of ice. But as the saying goes..."The Advertising Must Go On." Thanks to the Internet, laptops, smartphones and PDAs, advertising agencies and Idea Factories like Atomic Ideas kept chugging along without missing a single beat. Why do I point this out? Well, these days when it might seem a good idea to do business with an agency in New York or on the West Coast, I'd just like to draw attention to the Midwest work ethic you find here -- and nowhere else. Snow may shut down New York and earthquakes may devastate Los Angeles and San Francisco, but here in Detroit, the work gets done despite nature's wrath.
I couldn't find a video of the snowstorm here in Detroit --we were all busy working -- but here's what the storm looked like in Minnesota. Admittedly, they got a little more snow out of this storm, but it still pretty much shows what the typical Southeast Michigan Nor'easter looks like. And while bad storms like this happen a couple times a year, it hardly ever keeps us from keeping the wheels of advertising turning.
I just utilized the Midwest work ethic to fix our commenting issue so I could make this comment! Comments?
Posted by: B. Obama | 12/16/2010 at 12:12 PM
Great post. Too bad no one ever comments on your blogs!
Posted by: Name Withheld | 12/16/2010 at 12:10 PM